Wednesday 15 April 2020

circumference DLO | Learning from home

Today during Learning from home we have activities we have to complete and the easiest activity for me was perimeter. The reason for this DLO is because I had a little bit of trouble understanding the circumference because I have not done perimeter for a while so this DLO is for people that are having some troubles like me to understand. I have tried my best to explain it simply so you can understand properly.

-Hope you enjoy, Taylor


  1. Hi Taylor

    Thanks for sharing your maths work with us. I think you have done a great job at explaining your learning in your DLO. Maybe to make is easier for some people you could have added a drawing of a circle to show what you meant.
    I am sure that it will be helpful to everyone to learn and refresh all about the circumference of a circle.

    Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more of your work over the next few weeks!

    Talk again soon

    Mrs Costello :)

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  4. Hello Taylor
    wow I love this post it has really tort me something today I was really interesting I like how you have not only have you said what it is you all so put what it is used for.I also really liked how u have presented the how texted it really stands out from all your other posts.
    Maybe next time you could maybe put in a visuals description.
    but other than that it was really good great job.
    From Neve


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